Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mason's Birthday Party

Uncle Cliff, Gran and Curt stopping to take a family picture. Aunt Carrie pushing Mason around on Alex's bike" Wow! Cool Momo!" I made the mistake of letting him open the motorcycles second, I knew what they were and I should have know that we save things like that until last... I was left opening all of the birthday boy's gifts... It was kind of embarrassing, but I guess if you have ever had kids, you have opened their presents...! Opening the bike! Thanks Grandpa, Nonnie, Uncle Brian, Aunt Carrie, Uncle J & Aunt Katie! It is a Strider bike. Very cool. It has no pedals so balance can be worked on instead of years with training wheels... Mason is already rockin' & rollin' on this little baby. Plus the seat and handle bars get higher. Kacey's hubbie, Brian told me about these little bikes. If you are thinking of investing in a bike for your tyke, I suggest you go HERE to check them out!
Mason had a great day and he loved being with his friends and family the most, but he also loved the gifts!!!!


  1. Oh my goodness! We had so much fun! You had a great party for sweet Maymay and the kids had a ball! I was going to ask your Mom & family to adopt me if I hung out with them any longer. Lincoln sure did enjoy all of his snuggle time with the Phillips/Bennett fam!

  2. Looks like a great birthday party and what a cool bike!!!
    I loved the pictures you posted of him as a newborn, he's just too cute.
    As per la blog makeovers, I don't charge anything but if you want to talk details email me with your number and I will call ya!! My email link is on my blog. Hope to hear from you soon.


  3. Hard to believe it's been 2 years! It looks like he had a great party. I love Mason's shirt- we bought them for both the boys when you were here! I can't wait for Cole to wear his. You look great, by the way!

  4. Gran in the top pic is gorgeous!!! What's her secret?


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