Wednesday, May 28, 2008

By the way...

We are still off the bottle..... Yay for Mason and Yay for Mom and Dad!


  1. Yay!!! Congrats!!! And love the fun stuff you've been up to. Sorry to hear about the sweet little kittens. Such a bummer.
    On a happier's so fun to hear all about what Mason is saying. What a cutie!! Isn't being a mom just the greatest?!
    if I already said all this stuff in a comment, it's because I thought i accidentally deleted maybe I did or didn't?? I don't know! But I thought I should write it again, just in case it didn't show up.

  2. So is that Mason that's off the bottle or Curtis? LOL!

    Congrats Mason! Congrats Mommy & Daddy!

  3. Yeah MayMay! So happy for all three of you daaahling.

  4. I am so super happy for you! Don't you just love those big milestone moments when you are just so proud?!?


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